Wednesday, December 20, 2006

ViewDo shows you how to do it!

few years back in my college days, a friend told me he has a graduation to attend and he doesn't know how to wear a tie. He said he looked for it on the net and couldn't find anything. I thought its kind of funny. Apparently, I was too naive. ViewDo does it for you. The site is a media library of explanatory videos showing how to do things, like wear a tie, create a network cable, roll a sushi and anything else you can think of.

It is the kind of target video community for people who want to share their knowledge (by video), or for people looking for that kind of knowledge. What's more is that you can download the videos to your iPod, Play Station Portable, or any other media device. The site is still kind of new, but if it lives up to what it promise, this could be a real hit.

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