Friday, January 5, 2007

Sam & Max episode 2 out today

Technically, it's the 5th of Jan in many areas of the world, and fans have already started spamming telltale blog with complains and funny comments about why the game, Sam & Max episode Situation: Comedy is not out yet. The company PR and officials are sharing the laugh as well, saying it's still not 5th in California.

The episode is the second of 6 as a whole that will end up the first season of Sam & Max Adventure game series. Sam & Max started as a comic in the 80s, and was later turned into a PC adventure game in 1993 called Sam & Max Hit the Road, and it was really a hit. You can see the intro cutscene below. Around 1998, TV Series for the dog and rabbit comic started before it was soon stopped. Fans kept looking for more of the funny two characters, but all hopes were gone when Lucasarts stopped the production of the Sam & Max Freelance Police game.

As the news came out, it was a clear message Lucas are no more into adventure games, and have set focus on purely Star Wars sequels. Mass petitions started, and lots of people cried for help. A group of Lucas employees listened to the crowd, left the company to start their own. To be able to fuel their on going expenses, they made the games into short episodes, and it seems to be turning out good.

For now, enjoy the the two clips below:

Sam & Max Hit the Road (2003)

Sam & Max Freelance Police (2004) - Got cancelled

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